Homebirth Story
On a sunny Sunday morning
In 2016, when I was pregnant with my first child, my partner and I had our first discussion about where we wanted to birth our baby. As a midwife, I knew about all the different options, but my partner didn't. When I told him I would love to have a homebirth, he was surprised. He had never heard of it before, but because he knew it's important to me how I give birth I absolutely said yes to a homebirth.
In 2022, we moved from Switzerland to Australia with our two daughters and were soon blessed to be expecting our third baby. After having homebirths back in Switzerland, it felt natural to give birth at home here in Australia as well.
At first, we weren't sure if we could make a homebirth happen here. It seemed uncommon, and we had just moved overseas, so we didn't have any family to help us. This led us to overthink our initial decision and contemplate a hospital birth.
But the thought of leaving home during labor and giving birth in a hospital setting really frightened me. I knew that might be the right decision for other families, but it didn't feel right for us.
So we decided to go for it. We found a wonderful midwife who made us feel safe and supported.
Our daughters were excited to attend the birth of their sibling, but we didn't know how they would feel when the time came. So, we searched for someone who could create a safe space for them to go to if they needed it during labor.
We found the best doula we could imagine, Brooke. She provided the support we needed, and our daughters felt safe when she was there.
And so we had everything ready for our third homebirth.
We had the most beautiful birth of our first son on a sunny Sunday morning in our living room. It was the perfect experience for us, and we knew that we would always choose a homebirth whenever possible. Because there's nothing quite like being at home during the most vulnerable time of your life.
Sarah xx
Birth of Noah x