An ancient practice in a modern world
What is Placentophagia ?
Placentophagia -- the practice of consuming the placenta has been observed throughout history in many
parts of the world. This amazing organ is far too often unappreciated and sadly it is most commonly tossed into biohazard waste bins for disposal.
In Western cultures, consuming the placenta is often viewed as barbaric, but thanks to new information about the surprising benefits, there has been a recent push amongst young mothers to consume their placenta after giving birth.
Your placenta does an amazing job of nourishing your developing baby. Did you know your placenta is made up of 50% of your cells and 50% of your baby’s cells, our cells help repair our body, imagine what it could do for you and your baby after birth
Benefits of our Placenta Services
Significantly reduce post-birth bleeding
Encourage a quick and healthy milk supply
Replenish essential hormones such as oxytocin and CRH (stress reducer hormone)
Replenish essential nutrients such as vit B6 and iron
Prevent the baby blues and post-partum depression
Leave new mothers feeling calmer
Give new mums the energy to cope with a busy day
Stimulate the ‘vital force’
Help in times of emotional Imbalance or distress for mother and baby
Give energy and strength when ill
Keep indefinitely if stored properly
Placenta Remedies & Services
Be Birth services all of Sydney, pick up from Westmead, Norwest, or Hornsby incurs a $30 travel fee.
For all placenta services please fill in the booking form below and email back along with payment receipt.
Bookings will not be confirmed until payment is made.
Direct Deposit Details:
Be Birth
Direct Deposit
BSB: 814 282
ACC: 51385490
Raw Placenta Encapsulation
Unlike the Traditional Chinese Medicine preparation of the placenta, when processing a placenta raw we do not steam the placenta during the process. We simply forgo the steaming process.
Leaving out the steaming process can save the vital nutrients and hormones that may be depleted once the placenta has been heated above 55 degrees. Some believe that steaming the placenta destroys a few of the essential nutrients. Using this option provides a burst of energy upfront and can be of great value in stabilizing the hormones.
This service includes encapsulation, instructions on consuming and storage, picking up your placenta from your birthplace and delivery of placenta capsules.
Self Investment: $350
Placenta Tincture
Placenta Tincture is made from a piece of the mother’s own raw placenta after birth, steeping in alcohol making a strong remedy. It is said that placenta tincture is used for emotional, mental and psychological instability and may also be very beneficial for treating PMS and menopause.
Self Investment: $140
Important Dislaimer
Please note: BeBirth Encapsulation services have not been evaluated by the TGA and are not meant to prevent, treat or diagnose any disease, illness or symptoms. Clients understand that they are assuming all risks and benefits based on their own research and belief of the placenta’s healing and nutritional properties.